
The purpose of having a Young Professionals Committee

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We’ve all seen article after article about younger generations entering the workplace. In fact, if you Google “millennials in the workplace” right now, you’ll land just over 12 million results. (“Avocado toast” yields 81 million, if you were wondering.)

Based on initial search results, millennials are painted as secretive, temperamental and ready to leave a job at the drop of a hat. Though it’s simply not smart to generalize an entire generation, there is still something to be said for the media attention and fascination millennial professionals receive. Companies have launched entire recruitment campaigns targeting this group, after all.

Why have a Young Professionals Committee?

One of Flint Group’s values is to be the person you want to work with. To me, this means that at the end of the day, regardless of generation, we all want to enjoy working together. That’s the purpose of our Young Professionals Committee (YPC): to create a workplace culture Flintsters can enjoy, and others want to partake in.

A key initiative of Flint’s YPC is Flintucation, a companywide get-together where we have team members share what’s going on with their team. Read more about Flintucation here.

Kira Sornsin, YPC member, shares: “Our main goal was to learn from each other. We realize there is a ton of talent here, and there is a lot we can learn from each other. It’s easy to get caught up in our day-to-day responsibilities, so this is a chance to step away from those duties and see what others are doing in hopes everyone can walk away and be able to take one thing they learned and apply it to a project or client.”

For myself, joining Flint Group’s YPC allows me to explore ideas for a better workplace. I’m grateful to work for a company that values my opinions – especially since I’m still a college student.

Stay tuned for quarterly updates from our Young Professionals Committee!


Interested in experiencing our culture for yourself? We’re hiring for an array of positions, open to any generation. Apply today!

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Libby Bahr

Libby joined Flint Group as a social media and public relations intern in 2018. She has experience in content creation, social media implementation and copywriting for clients across various industries, including professional services, manufacturing and retail. She was promoted to join the social media team full-time upon her graduation from NDSU in 2020. Through her range of experience, Libby has developed expertise in social media tactics and copywriting. She plays a key part in implementing and coordinating Flint Group's social media services.

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